" to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command and control, no army; and [call] it a war-- It is not a war, it is murder."
This is quote from a Chris Hedges' speech. The speech was delivered on January, 13th 2009 at an event organized by the Society for Ethical Culture in New York.
Chris Hedges, a journalist and author, condemns the Israeli incursion on Gaza while analysing the situation there .... and here (US weapons sold to Israel; no platform in the press for Noam Chomsky, Amira Haas, Ilan Pappe, etc.).
This is the first time I hear of Chris Hedges. His speech is very strong. Link to the video below and in the title.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Chris Hedges condemns Israeli Gaza Massacre
Posted by Florence at 7:45 pm