Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekly report+News Footage

OCHA reports that on the week of March 7th-13th 2007:

  • two Palestinian fishermen were injured when Israeli Defence Force (IDF) gunboats opened fire at three fishing boats in Rafah.
  • The IDF opened fire a total of eight times at Palestinians either from the border fence or out at sea.

This reminded me of a ICRC news footage on Rafah fishermen struggle for survival. The footage which is worth taking a look at includes an interview of Nizar Ayash, Representative of Fisherman’s Union which summarises well Gazan fishers' problems:
"First, one of the major problems is marketing the fish, because it is forbidden to sell the fish in other Palestinian markets. Second is the limited fishing zone, just 38 kilometres along the beaches of Gaza Strip. Third is the fact that the Israeli Navy regularly shoots at the fishermen when they are out at sea."

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