Monday, February 19, 2007

UK International Development Committee on Development Assistance in the Opt

The International Development Committee, representing British Members of Parliament (MPs) from the three main parties (Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats), published on 31st January 2007
a report on Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

On fishing, the report quotes
the Press Release of the World Food Programme - Gaza Economy on the Brink of Collapse - (dated 2 September 2006 - see posting below), which describes the present situation of fisheries in Gaza. The example of the Gaza greenhouse project and the unfulfilled potential this had, is described as an example of the fragility of the Palestinian economy under the current restrictions on movement and access.

The more news-worthy aspect of the report is the request to the European Union (EU) to ensure that Palestinian products are not being unfairly treated by Israel and the call for measures to be put in place to make the Association Agreement effective.

Most UK newspapers have discussed the report (FT, Guardian, Independent) as it advocates that the UK should urge the EU to use the
Association Agreement with Israel as a lever for change and consider suspending the Agreement until there are further improvements in access arrangements.

As one of the first steps, the report highlights the need to implement the
Agreement on Movement and Access signed in November 2005.

Although Parliamentary, the report does not necessarily affect British foreign policy directly. Still, it highlights the debates discussed at government level regarding the development assistance policy being implemented by the UK and other donors in the occupied Palestinian territory.

[Thanks to Claudia for analysis and information]

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