Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gaza Marine Biodiversity

I've found this on the website of the Palestinian Ministry of Environmental Affairs (MENA). It is an overview of Gaza marine environment and biodiversity. It contains information on: Gaza physical environment, marine biodiversity, fish production, marine mammals and reptiles, marine flora, and on threats to marine biodiversity and impacts. It's dated 1996 but still, I find it interesting, for example to compare data over time. Fish production (in tonnes) is given per year starting from 1967. In relation to fish production, there are explanations for the increase and decrease, which are interesting to analyse data: "The large impact of the closing of the fishing grounds off the Sinai can be seen with the large drop in production after 1978. The next major decline, from 1984 to 1989 is thought to be the result of a further limiting of the area Palestinian fishers were allowed to fish by the Israelis. The next major jump from 1990 to 1993 is most likely the result of an increased level of effort (LOE). This period was the height of the intafada and marked by many long closures of the Israeli/ Gaza border. The result was that Palestinians who worked in Israel were forced to find alternative employment in Gaza and many returned to the fishery. The continuing relative high production from 1994 to present is due to the sustained higher LOE (due both to improved gear and sustained number of fishers)." Data are mostly taken from a CARE/Ma'an project.

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