Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Avian influenza has amplified fishing sector crisis in Gaza

Avian influenza and the Karni closure have put more pressure on the Gaza Strip fishing sector, as Gazans are looking for other sources of proteins than chicken. Yet, the fishing sector is unable to meet the demand, as the 330 square meter fishing grounds permitted by the occupying power are overfished. According to the Palestinian National Authority Department of Fisheries, the local production has halved from 8MT/day in 2005 to 4.2 MT/day in March 2006. Also due to limits on fishing area, fishers are reported to fish close to the shore where the fish come in to spawn and to use small sized fish nets resulting in 400 kg of bycatch a day (fish are then dumped as they are too small to be marketed). Further the closure of Karni crossing, the commercial crossing for products to come in and out of Gaza, have made people even more dependent on the local production, which already was not meeting the demand. And the shortage of fish have resulted in price increase: the price of sardines (most of the production and the only fish the poor can afford) has doubled from 15NIS/kg in Jan 2006 to 30NIS at the end of March. (sources: World Food Programme, 1st April 2006)

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